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Right Hand Techniques

Harmonizing Melodies with Intervals

Harmonizing melodies using intervals of thirds and sixths adds richness and depth to your playing. By incorporating harmony notes alongside the melody, you create a fuller, more resonant sound that enhances the musical experience.

Original Melody

Below is the original melody of “Ode to Joy” by Ludwig van Beethoven:

T:Ode to Joy - Original Melody
C:Ludwig van Beethoven
e e f g | g f e d | c c d e | e3/2 d1/2 d2 |

Harmonization with Sixths

In the following example, the melody is harmonized using intervals of sixths. This means that for each note in the melody, a harmony note is added that is a sixth below. This technique creates a warm 🔥 and resonant 🎵 sound:

T:Ode to Joy - Harmonized Melody with Sixths
C:Ludwig van Beethoven
[g,e] [g,e] [a,f] [b,g] | [b,g] [a,f] [g,e] [f,d] | [e,c] [e,c] [f,d] [g,e] | [g,e]3/2 [f,d]1/2 [f,d]2 |


  • Intervals of Sixths: An interval is the distance between two notes. A sixth spans six letter names (e.g., from E down to G is a sixth).
  • Harmonizing: By adding a note that is a sixth below the melody note, you create harmony that complements the melody.
  • Application: In the harmonized example, each pair of notes (e.g., [g,e]) consists of the melody note and its harmony note a sixth below.

Benefits of Using Sixths

  • Fuller Sound: Harmonizing with sixths enriches the musical texture.
  • Expressiveness: Adds emotional depth to the melody.
  • Variety: Introduces harmonic variety, enhancing listener engagement.

Harmonization with Thirds

In this example, the melody is harmonized using intervals of thirds. This means that for each note in the melody, a harmony note is added that is a third below. This technique creates a bright ✨ and uplifting 🎶 sound:

T:Ode to Joy - Harmonized Melody with Thirds
C:Ludwig van Beethoven
[ce] [ce] [df] [eg] | [eg] [df] [ce] [Bd] | [Ac] [Ac] [Bd] [ce] | [ce]3/2 [Bd]1/2 [Bd]2 |


  • Intervals of Thirds: An interval of a third spans three letter names (e.g., from C up to E is a third).
  • Harmonizing: By adding a note that is a third below the melody note, you create harmony that complements the melody.
  • Application: In the harmonized example, each pair of notes (e.g., [c,e]) consists of the melody note and its harmony note a third below.

Benefits of Using Thirds

  • Brighter Sound: Harmonizing with thirds gives a lighter, more luminous sound.
  • Emotional Impact: Adds a sense of joy and brightness to the melody.
  • Harmonic Interest: Introduces new harmonic colors, keeping the music engaging.